Prosze o wyjasnienie mi czy majac wersje MySQLa 5.0.3 moge stosowac pole typu NUMERIC(6,2). Potrzebuje przechowac wartosci monetarne rzedu 300000.00.
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Standard SQL requires that the salary column be able to store any value with five digits and two decimals. In this case, therefore, the range of values that can be stored in the salary column is from -999.99 to 999.99. MySQL enforces this limit as of MySQL 5.0.3. Before 5.0.3, MySQL varies from this limit in two ways due to the use of string format for value storage:

On the positive end of the range, the column actually can store numbers up to 9999.99. For positive numbers, MySQL uses the byte reserved for the sign to extend the upper end of the range.

DECIMAL columns in MySQL before 3.23 are stored differently and cannot represent all the values required by standard SQL. This is because for a type of DECIMAL(M,D), the value of M includes the bytes for the sign and the decimal point. The range of the salary column before MySQL 3.23 would be -9.99 to 99.99.


Jezeli dobrze zrozumialem to typ ten moze byc tylko NUMERIC(5,2).
Jakim typem mam przechowywac wartosci monetarne (6,2)questionmark.gifquestionmark.gif

Podobny problem mam z typem FLOAT,potrzebuje bowiem przechowac wartosci procentowe z dokladnoscia do dwoch liczb po przecinku (2,2). Jakiego typu powinienem uzyć?questionmark.gif?

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